Recent Rehabilitation Experience with Pediatric ABI Users

Objective: The aim of this study is to describe the rehabilitative outcomes of pediatric auditory brainstem implant (ABI) users in the Department of Otolaryngology in the Hacettepe University. It was a retrospective study, and all patients' files were reviewed. Materials and methods: The data was collected from 41 children who...

Manubrio-stapedioplasty: New surgical technique for malleus and incus fixation due to tympanosclerosis

This paper reports the authors' technique of manubrio-stapedioplasty using glass ionomer cement for malleus and incus fixation due to tympanosclerosis. A retrospective case review was conducted of five patients with conductive hearing loss (mean pre-operative air-bone gap of 42.75 dB) treated in a tertiary referral centre. The hearing results of...

Novel domain-specific POU3F4 mutations are associated with X-linked deafness: Examples from different populations

Mutations in the POU3F4 gene cause X-linked deafness type 3 (DFN3), which is characterized by inner ear anomalies. Three Turkish, one Ecuadorian, and one Nigerian families were included based on either inner ear anomalies detected in probands or X-linked family histories. Exome sequencing and/or Sanger sequencing were performed in order...