They had committed a median of three offenses in just four weeks before they were incarcerated (a reasonably high frequency in itself) but the mean was 44, implying that a subset of offenders go through sustained periods of committing low-level crime (such as shoplifting) at remorseless volumes. Critically, the...
Peer Pressure: Definition, Examples, and Ways to Cope
If you feel like you or your child may benefit from therapy, check out Psych Central’s guide to seeking mental health support. Teaching kids self-care by helping them practice health- and wellness-focused habits can help offset the effects of stress. This means that sleep deprivation may cause some students to...
Innovative Recovery Support: Nomi Healths Success Care Teams Up with Sober Sidekick App
From there, he moved into Recovery Bridge Housing and began taking steps to continue his education. Today, he resides in a sober living center, where he is thriving. He diligently attends NA meetings and is working with a case manager to secure a permanent apartment. Today, Justin has been sober...